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If you have any queries or problems during installation or operation then please email support@xfactory-librarians.co.uk. I maintain bug lists and feature requests on the x.factory Trello Boards as a public means of tracking issues and feature requests.

Our Privacy Policy which provides details on how we manage email correspondence.

Please provide details of the librarian that you are using and its version number, along with a detailed description of the problem that you are having along with the list of steps that you are taking that cause the problem. If the problem occurs with a specific file, then please provide the file. The more detail that you can provide the better.

Screenshots showing behaviour and error message are always useful if you can provide them.

The applications support error logging to help me diagnose problems, so please always provide me with the log files when you have a query. Logs are kept for the previous five days (to avoid filling up your hard drive).

If you are providing the logs, please also note the date and time where you experienced any errors, as this will help me to look to see if there are corresponding events in the logs that could help pinpoint what the errors are.

On a PC running Vista and above, the logs folder can be found at:

OS Drive:\Users\Your User Name\xfactory.librarians\Librarian Name\logs

For example, on my PC, with the operating system on drive C, with my user name of Derek, the ex.factory logs are stored under



On Mac Running OSX, the license folder can be found at:

OS Drive/Users/Your User Name/xfactory.librarians/Librarian Name/logs

For example, on my Mac, with the operating system on drive MacintoshHD, with my user name of Derek, the ex.factory logs are stored under


Please note that I am a sole developer, who does this as a passionate sideline. The demands of my day job, which quite often takes me away from home (and my development kit), mean that I may not be able to provide an instant response to an issue, so please be patient.

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